Dancing Chiva Literary Arts--- --- www dancingchiva com--- --- Through narrative we become more human. Truth is beauty. Exploration is infinite.
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BajacalifornianaEsotericaMaximilianaFor WritersC.M. MayoALL TITLES

Works on craft and process for creative writers.

So you have something to say! There are many eager ears out there, in cars, on trains and planes, in waiting rooms, in kitchens, perhaps washing dishes… Audio podcasts, on-line digital files, not only serve as an important promotional tool for writers, but they can be storytelling vehicles in themselves, whether as stand-alone works or complements to text, and as such, a powerful way to reach new audiences.

Based on award-winning writer and avid podcaster C.M. Mayo's one day workshop at the Writer's Center,
this ebook provides an introduction and overview of podcasting for writers, from basic concepts to nuts-and-bolts tips.

In 10 "easy peasy" steps
(along with some "fancy schmancy" alternatives for those so inclined). Mayo shows you
how to generate and publish your unique podcast — and yes, get it onto iTunes.

New in Kindle!

C.M. Mayo's longform essay on the Mexican literary landscape and the power of the book:

"Dispatch from the Sister Republic or,
Papelito Habla"

> Read excerpts now

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Giant Golden Buddha & 364 More 5 Minute Writing Exercises
by C.M. Mayo
An updated, edited, and expanded version of the long-standing and popular series of exercises available at www.cmmayo.com. Includes an index by category, e.g., beginnings; plots, imagery; weather; dialogue, etc.

e-book, forthcoming, September 1, 2011









"A man will turn over half a library to make one book" — Samuel Johnson